[Dev] how to collect performance data from users?

Brian Fisher brian at hamsterrepublic.com
Mon Oct 27 22:29:07 PDT 2008

Hmm... well we don't use any features of openGL really :) Just display lists
and textured unlit quads. No Shaders, no multipass lighting or
multi-texture, no accumulation buffer, no floating point formats or
anything, no glu or glut functions, no extensions at all...

not having Hardware acceleration sounds a very plausible explanation...
although OpenGL isn't really supposed to have a software implementation
(it's supposed to be about actually getting at your hardware), there is a
software implementation on Windows XP which is usually pitiful

I'd say if the card can do well on the most basic possible opengl benchmark
that involves texturing, then there is something we might be able to fix
some problem that we specifically have going on. If it can't do well on such
a benchmark, well there ya go :)

...Does sidescroller try to draw every tile everywhere? is there any kind of
quick rejection of large blocks of tiles going on? (like throwing out entire
blocks in customer service robot)

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:21 AM, James Paige <Bob at hamsterrepublic.com>wrote:

> I was having someone test out the Bob Sidescroller, and he reported that
> it ran PAINFULLY slow. His computer was of a decent speed and the
> slowness he described was sufficently severe than I am guessing that his
> video card doesn't support hardware accelerated opengl-- or that we are
> depending on some opengl feature that his opengl driver is doing in
> software.
> I found this tool:
> http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Benchmarks/OpenGL-Geometry-Benchmark.shtml
> which produces a nice list of OpenGL performance information, but I
> don't know enough about opengl to know exactly which performance
> measurements are relvant to motherhamster.
> ---
> James
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