[Ohrrpgce] SVN: pkmnfrk/2301 Fixed the spell menu thingy too.

S'orlok Reaves sorlok_reaves at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 30 20:25:09 PDT 2008

Not to bust in on your debate, but I think the idea is
that pumping max stats with spells might be useful for
some avant-garde games. Consider:
 1) A game with fixed max MP (of, say, 100) and no way
to restore it inside dungeons. The first room of a
dungeon resets your stats, and the max-stat boosting
spells cost 20MP each.
 2) A game with no Inns and very few MP-restoring
items. In this case, MP can be re-named to "SP", and
can be used as another form of experience to "level
up" individual stats.

Anyway, I guess the idea of targeting max stats is
consistent, although naive usage of it could seriously
unbalance gameplay.


--- Mike Caron <caron.mike at gmail.com> wrote:

> James Paige wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 06:38:43PM -0700,
> subversion at HamsterRepublic.com wrote:
> >> pkmnfrk
> >> 2008-09-30 18:38:43 -0700 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008)
> >> 170
> >> Fixed the spell menu thingy too.
> >>
> >> Although, I can't help but think that an out of
> battle spell that targets anything other than HP is
> more than likely horribly broken...
> > 
> > An out-of-battle spell that targets a stat other
> than HP or MP will 
> > affect the maximum rather than the current. So it
> is mainly used for 
> > stat bonus items.
> Oh, I know an *item* can target whatever it wants,
> and that's fine since 
> the cost is paid in items.
> But, I mean a spell that increases Attack is broken,
> since the cost is 
> paid in MP. If you have a spell that increases
> Attack (fine) that is 
> usable outside of battle (not fine), you can pump
> your Attack for the 
> cost of a few Ethers (or, an Inn!).
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