[Ohrrpgce] SVN: james/2284 Wander: Apply latest fixbits and binsizes.

James Paige Bob at HamsterRepublic.com
Wed Sep 24 08:42:03 PDT 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:15:07AM -0400, Mike Caron wrote:
> subversion at HamsterRepublic.com wrote:
> >james
> >2008-09-23 21:04:49 -0700 (Tue, 23 Sep 2008)
> >88
> >Wander: Apply latest fixbits and binsizes.
> >Spellcheck textboxes.
> >Add a portrait for Bob
> I just took a peek, and the palette for Bob's portrait (81) is all black...

Yeah, I fixed that later last night, but never got around to checking it 
in because I was busy working on a portrait for James.

Reading through the text box export code was inspiring me. I can't wait 
to draw a portrait of Bob and James crammed together in the Myrmidon 
suit :)

> On pseudo-related note, what would you say about adding some meta-data 
> to the textbox im/export function? I'm envision a scenario where you (as 
> in you, James) add portraits for everybody, and now have to revise a 
> large portion of the 403 textboxes. I can only assume this would be 
> easier in a text editor than in Custom.
> I'm willing to take a look at this, too...

Rya made a good suggestion on the forums. What if we dumped meta-data to 
a tab delimited text file that could be edited in a spreadsheet program 
like excel or openoffice calc?

As for embedding meta-data right into the text box export file, I am 
okay with that too, as long as it is optional. Sorta like when you pick 
export, it gives you a list of things to include:

 box links
 other conditionals
 choice data
 appearance data

And then you check off which ones you want to have in your export file. 
Then on import, fields that are not present would be ignored (no change 
to current box data)

Personally I can't see editing portrait position in a text editor. I 
simply wouldn't want to. But box links on the other hand, I probably 
would like to edit in the export file.

Another thing I think we could really use is a menu option in the text 
box editor that shows all the boxes which can link to the current box, 
so you can quickly jump to them.


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