[Dev] PUG

$P!D3R DelSol sunsp1der at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 12:57:40 PST 2008

Saw James' reply on the pygame board, so I thought I'd drop a line.  Here's some basic info on pug:
There's a brief intro doc in the documentation section on sourceforge ( http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/pug )
Basically, to get started, put both folders in the repo into your PYTHONPATH. Run the __init__.py in either one to run the proof of concept.Pug is meant to be added on to a project during development to allow easy runtime manipulation of python objects.I'm an experienced developer, but I'm just learning linux, python, and wx AND I'm working alone, so it may come a bit slow.I'm getting ready to create a pug interface for opioid2d, but I'd be excited to help create one for motherhamster too, if you find that you're interested.A new pug version should be up this week that has better Save and Load functionality.Any feedback is appreciatedCheers

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