[Ohrrpgce] SVN: teeemcee/7590 FB 1.04 support 4/7: config.bi cleanup, better include_windows_bi(), fix

subversion at HamsterRepublic.com subversion at HamsterRepublic.com
Sun Dec 20 07:20:41 PST 2015

2015-12-20 07:20:41 -0800 (Sun, 20 Dec 2015)
FB 1.04 support 4/7: config.bi cleanup, better include_windows_bi(), fix many new conflicts, always use include_windows_bi(), not #include windows.bi

In FB 1.04 the winapi headers have been replaced with completely different
ones originating from MinGW-w64 instead of MinGW. Only one change to a struct
actually affected us, but a lot of stuff got moved around, and there were
many new conflicts.

Moved various definitions like bool and int32 from util.bi to config.bi,
and put them in a namespace to allow safe shadowing.

Use of include_windows_bi() brings a lot of cleanup to music_native/native2

Also, the config.bi cleanup removes a bunch of #undefs that shouldn't
have been there, eg GETKEY and abort. I had wondered why GETKEY
didn't work in gfx_fb...
U   wip/config.bi
U   wip/gfx_console.bas
U   wip/gfx_fb.bas
U   wip/misc.bi
U   wip/music_allegro.bas
U   wip/music_native.bas
U   wip/music_native2.bas
U   wip/music_native_subs.bas
U   wip/reload.bas
U   wip/reload.bi
U   wip/util.bas
U   wip/util.bi
U   wip/vector.bi

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