[Ohrrpgce] GAME compiles on the RPi, but needs serious debugging.

Seth Hetu seth.hetu at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 14:57:28 PDT 2013

Hey all,

   I got GAME to cross-compile for the Raspberry Pi, and cataloged my
approach here:

   Unfortunately, after loading a few libraries and making a few
function calls it just hangs forever. Strace and ltrace here:

    I will now be going through these traces and trying to debug this,
but I thought a few more pairs of eyes wouldn't hurt. Also, if
anything in my build steps looks suspicious, please let me know.
Finally, if any of you encountered a similar "stalling" bug while
porting to Android, do provide some insight.

    Let's hope we're only a short debug away from a working copy of
GAME on the RPi!

PS: For those of you wondering, a chroot (or kvm) install won't work
solely because fbc can't be compiled as a native ARM app (to my
knowledge). So cross-compiling seems the only way to go.

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