[Ohrrpgce] SVN: james/2298 Wander: Fix the fade at the beginning of the intro

subversion at HamsterRepublic.com subversion at HamsterRepublic.com
Tue Sep 30 11:33:56 PDT 2008

2008-09-30 11:33:56 -0700 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008)
Wander: Fix the fade at the beginning of the intro
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/defpal8.bin
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/lookup1.bin
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/wander.gen
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/wander.hsp
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/wander.pal
U   games/wander/wander.rpgdir/wander.pt8
U   games/wander/wanderp.hss

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