[Ohrrpgce] wantimmediate

James Paige Bob at HamsterRepublic.com
Tue Sep 30 09:29:46 PDT 2008

Okay, I am all confused about the wantimmediate thing now.

I am not going to make any attempt to change anything or implement any 
bitsets right now.

As I understand the current state of the code (please correct me if I 
am wrong here)

the feature to avoid uneccesary waits after certain commands is enabled, 

the bug causes as a side-effect of the above is enabled, right? This is 
the bug where the fade is wrong at the beginning of wandering hamster 
(which was really just wandering hamster depending on that implied wait 
when it shouldn't have been, right?)

So really nothing needs to change except the intro script for Wandering 
Hamster, right?


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