[Ohrrpgce] SVN: james/2284 Wander: Apply latest fixbits and binsizes.

Mike Caron caron.mike at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 22:11:43 PDT 2008

Mike Caron wrote:
> subversion at HamsterRepublic.com wrote:
>> james
>> 2008-09-23 21:04:49 -0700 (Tue, 23 Sep 2008)
>> 88
>> Wander: Apply latest fixbits and binsizes.
>> Spellcheck textboxes.
>> Add a portrait for Bob
> I just took a peek, and the palette for Bob's portrait (81) is all black...
> On pseudo-related note, what would you say about adding some meta-data 
> to the textbox im/export function? I'm envision a scenario where you (as 
> in you, James) add portraits for everybody, and now have to revise a 
> large portion of the 403 textboxes. I can only assume this would be 
> easier in a text editor than in Custom.
> I'm willing to take a look at this, too...

Actually, I just did it. See the included patch.

Now, exported text boxes look like this:

Box 0
Size: 17

And, if you have any portrait options defined, they look like this:

Box 1
Size: 16
Portrait Box: NO
Portrait Type: 1
Portrait ID: 0
Portrait Palette: 1
Portrait X: 0
Portrait Y: 5
       Greetings, Bob. Spiffy day,
       isn't it?

       ...But not all is well here.
       I hear that there is trouble
       at the castle.

A few notes:
  - Since the "Portrait Box" option exists independently of the actual 
portrait, it will output the Portrait Box setting under two circumstances:
      A) It's set to YES, or
      B) There is a portrait defined.
  - A portrait is said to be defined if the Type is set to something 
other than None.
  - The size option is actually (21 - .shrink), since it makes more 
sense to an editor to talk in terms of size, rather than... uh, un-size.
  - A good rule of thumb for the size field is (#lines * 2 + 4).
  - A portrait with no box takes up 6 characters at the beginning of the 
first 5 lines (by default). A portrait with a box takes up 7 characters.

I'd be glad to help you edit the text boxes to fit the new portraits, 
using this format. The only problems would be certain text boxes which 
have two main characters speaking, or which are already too full to fit 
a portrait.
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