[Dev] SVN: james/326 Experimenting with a different method of styling a creature's animations

Brian Fisher brian at hamsterrepublic.com
Wed Mar 26 10:11:22 PDT 2008

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:00 AM, James Paige <Bob at hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
>  Hmmm. In the ImageAsset browser, ! appears last, not first... also, I
>  can't see how the other assets are sorter... it certainly ain't
>  alphabetically.
must be in dictionary key sort order - i.e. random

>  I am not sure what is best for the default case, but there are
>  situations where I want to add an unassigned asset, and then choose that
>  asset through the editor interface, but I cannot get to the interface
>  because the unassigned asset raises an exception. Catch 22
That's what the broken reference asset is for at the moment - you can
add one when you register the pouch. although it would be nice to have
something more refined, I think...

Basically there are 2 cases - first is when you have no asset selected
- in which case it would be nice to let the developer know. Another is
when an asset has been selected, but for whatever reason is bad
(folders moved, file renamed, asset deleted, etc.) and again it would
be nice to let the developer know.

I want to make it easy to fix (i.e. you can stay in the editor) but I
don't want to let a problem go on forever unnoticed (exceptions sure
can't be ignored)

whaddya think?

>  It is better to just load what you know you will need, and worry about
>  loading performance problems only when they actually occur.
Right - and having things where an asset tree can be built makes it so
the game can programattically know everything you will need. So like
if the level includes the hero, and the hero has a style sheet
selected, and the style sheet references some sound, the game can
build an asset tree from those AssetRef's to know that the level
requires the sound.

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